Wordpress for Authoring

In a typically thoughtful post, Peter Sefton discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Wordpress as an authoring environment. I though I would clarify my feelings on this a little.

Introducing Michael Bell’s Blog

This is just a short introduction to Michael Bell, my PhD student. He’s now in the second year of his PhD, and has been looking at annotation in biological databases. More specifically, we are trying to define quality measures for textual annotation, based around the bulk properties of these databases. It’s related to, but distinct from my early work on semantic similarity. The question is whether we can judge the quality of sentences, words or records based on how they have been used previously, and how far they have spread.

Feedback on a failed JISC grant

Paola Marchionni of JISC has give her permission to reproduce the feedback from the peer-review of my last JISC grant which sadly failed. I want to publish it here, as part of my desire for open science rather that as an opportunity to reply which, perhaps unfortunately, the JISC process does not otherwise allow.

Greyhole and Scientific Data Handling

I was delighted recently to discover Greyhole. Essentially, it’s a system that allows you to configure a Samba share at one end, and a bunch of disks at the other. The disks get the data shared between them, with a configurable level of duplication. It’s aimed mainly at the home user, who wants a higher degree of data security than the single drive approach provides, but is not going to go the expensive and poorly scalable RAID approach.