Outside the Hotel le Roi is a messy street, but inside it’s nice. The drive here was hectic and smelly, with many miles of crawling through traffic. Not nice at all. We had another near accident when a lorry in the lane next to us lost a tyre and the car was hit with large chunks of Rubber.

We came from the Taj Mahal. It’s been described in detail by many others; the sunlight scintillates of the marble facade, leaving you speechless; but, not if it’s foggy. Despite this, it is a magnificent building and visiting it is well worth while. I guess nothing can quite live up to is reputation once it becomes a world icon.

Just had to phone reception. The room heating controls don’t work, with the room getting colder and colder, so they have bought up a fan heater.

And that’s it; tomorrow, we go to the airport and fly home.