While I have been working on a manual called Take Wing for Tawny-OWL (n.d.a) for some time, it is far from finished. In the meantime, I am giving a tutorial at this years ICBO, and the slides for this are now relatively advanced, although I have a few more sections and some checking to do. The full tutorial is available (http://github.com/phillord/tawny-tutorial), and I think it offers are fairly comprehensive guide to basic Tawny-OWL usage.

I am fairly pleased with the tutorial as it stands. It is written up as a semantic document using my lentic package (n.d.b) which seems to be working well (although I discovered a few bugs with the asciidoc support in the course of writing the tutorial!).

For anyone who is thinking of coming, the pre-requisities for the tutorial are now online. I am planning to do a large part of the tutorial in a “follow-my-leader” fashion; it’s always difficult to predict the state of the networks at these events, so it would help significantly if at least some of the people coming could work through this short document before hand.